Participants’ Impressions from the Camp SDG#13

Mia We learned new things about the environment and undoubtedly became more motivated to preserve it, at least on a local level. I am sure that I will attend this type of event again. I find the topic vast and there is quite a lot to discuss, and the fact that I can do the same with people with a similar mindset to mine appeals to me even more. Anna The word itself Eco(logy) attracts me a lot and I think that we are not responsible enough for our environment. I wish for that to change and I am aware that the starting point for that is always myself. We should not tell others what to do, but let them see what we are doing and thus be motivated. Simona Eco camp directly involved us in the organization of our open day where various games were played and lots of useful information was learned about bicycles and cyclists, as well as protecting our environment by using bicycles. For several days we learned through games, and on the last day we passed it on to the children as well as to the adults who visited us in the city park. The game turned into a beautiful view of the event “Bitola on a Wheel” with which we made a big circle around our city with bicycles accompanied by all the fans of the “wheel”. Sarah I learned many things, first, the Sustainable Development Goals, which I honestly had not paid much attention to. I would single out the joint educational games as the most fun and would apply them further in a professional or private relationship. Angela I was most impressed by the last day where we successfully organized an event for children accompanied by interesting games related to ecology, nature conservation, and cycling. All this, in addition to fun and smiles on the children’s faces, provided them with the opportunity to learn interesting facts related to ecology. Finally, I can safely say that I learned a lot and this camp encouraged me to think more deeply about the preservation of our planet. Read here to learn more about this project
The story of Camp SDG#13

From August 21 to 26 this year, as part of the Climate change leaders/Youth-led solutions project, we realized the SDG13 daily eco camp, supported by YMCA USA, which was attended by eleven 16-23 aged young enthusiasts from Bitola, interested in the environment, sustainable development and eco-activism. The first three days of the camp were for providing inputs in the topic, learning and deepening knowledge about sustainable development goals with an emphasis on the 13th goal for climate change. The first day of the camp took place in the Youth Center in Bitola, while the next two days continued outdoors in the City Park which was unanimously chosen by all participants as a suitable place for learning about the environment through outdoor education. The activities each day lasted 3-4 hours with a combination of workshops and exercises. We introduced the participants to the mission of the YMCA, they got to know each other, had the opportunity tо present independently all 17 goals of sustainable development and to learn about the circular economy through the HP Life courses. They were presented with examples of eco-activism, both in our country and from many places around the world, as well as the development of current environmental problems and proposing solutions for them. Tips for preserving nature through games and interesting outdoor activities were also discussed and suggested. The third day was specifically dedicated to air pollution, causes of pollution, steps taken to reduce it and what we as individuals can contribute to cleaner air. In addition to others, the topic of modes of transportation, their efficiency, economy and availability was raised here. Each working day ended with an evaluation of what was learned from the current day. During the event, the European Mobility Week was announced and the possible activities that we as participants of this eco camp would take to share some of the knowledge with other children and youth in an interactive and fun way. It was decided that on the last day of the eco camp, a final event will be held, fully planned and implemented by all participants with their ideas and suggestions, of course with the full support of the YMCA team. The participants were divided into 3 teams, and the following day a meeting was held with each of the coordination teams where 15 ideas for outdoor activities were selected to announce and support Mobility Week. On 26.08.2023 under the motto Learn. Share. Get involved. Get active the open event started in the City Park in Bitola with pre-prepared games for children, Jenga, slackline, a workshop for making pin badges, an improvised training ground for cyclists, educational games and the like. The goal was greater awareness of cycling, healthy lifestyle and environmental protection. The event was attended by a large number of young people from our city and we introduced many surprises for the best visitors – cyclists. We are happy that at the event we cooperated with corporate partner Alpsko, as a great supporter of organizations that support a healthy lifestyle. After two hours of activities with the children, we ended the event with a bicycle tour through the streets of Bitola with cyclists of all ages from our city, as a call for the installation of cycling lanes in order to make it easier and safer for the cyclists who are more and more numerous in our city.
Monitoring Findings: Bitola Cycling City

In the period February-June we implement the project for monitoring pre-election promises. Following our activities with the aim of encouraging green solutions and a sustainable community, we follow the topic of building bicycle infrastructure. Attached are the activities by month: February: Survey of pre-election promisesThe survey of pre-election promises was across the online airwaves following past media releases, and politicians’ statements and offered pre-election programs. Our main challenge was that the pre-election programs were withdrawn from the internet space, and in order to find relevant material, we contacted members of the parties who are in the city council. Regarding the pre-election programs, only that of the independent group Poinaku is publicly available, and in consultation with the parties, we received the programs of the two largest coalition blocs led by VMRO-DPMNE and SDSM. March: Survey of municipal documentsThe inclusion of the topic from the pre-election promise in existing official documents of the Municipality of Bitola (programs, strategies, etc.) was perceived. The survey was conducted electronically on official municipal channels such as the municipality’s website and social media posts. Web portals were also searched that conveyed certain information about the requested data on the subject of pre-election promises. A request for access to public information was also submitted. In addition to the past, existing documents for currently planned activities in 2023 were also investigated. April: Meetings with municipal officials and councillorsMeetings and discussions were held with key municipal officials and employees in the Municipality of Bitola related to the topic of the pre-election promise. In particular, meetings were held with the Secretary of the Municipality, the Head of Local Economic Development, who is also responsible for the implementation of the bicycle path project, and a conversation with the Director of the Public Company for Urban Planning. May: Survey and public info session for the cycling lanes projectSurvey on the safety and use of the bicycle as a means of transportation and comparison of the findings of similar surveys that we did in 2015 and 2018. In order to share the attitude of the bicycle community, we have taken part at the Commission for Local Economic Development. A public info session was also held with the inclusion of all relevant stakeholders for the bicycle paths project in order to bring the latest information about the project to the public. June: Dissemination of results with the publicSharing the results with the public is through several focused announcements on social media, appearance on a regional television, live on a national television, a TV coverage from the public info session, thematic podcast, high school podcast, sharing infographics, sharing a printed brochure, and the plan is also to make cycling motivational stickers. Findings / Results*: Read here to learn more about this project *The links to all findings and documents are included only in the Macedonian version since they are available only in Macedonian language.
Monitoring: Bitola – Cycling City

Within the framework of the community mobilizers program, YMCA with the project “Bitola – Cycling City” is monitoring the fulfilment of the given pre-election promise for the realization of bicycle infrastructure in Bitola. The monitoring of the election promises of the political parties and the mobilization of the community to demand accountability and fulfil the promises is part of the project to support electoral reforms. The YMCA is involved in this project with activities that include observing the election promise for the construction of bicycle paths and infrastructure in Bitola. Within the framework of the activities, research of official announcements and documents, meetings with several stakeholders, survey research and an info session is foreseen. This initiative will monitor the election promise for the reconstruction and construction of new pedestrian and bicycle paths. Pedestrian and bicycle paths are extremely important for a municipality such as Bitola. There are a large number of people who want to recreate or walk around the city every day, but a large number of them also use bicycles or walk to reach a certain destination (work, school, etc.). By enabling special pedestrian and bicycle zones throughout the city, Bitola residents will gain many health and environmental benefits. The obtained results of the monitoring will be shared with the public through: posts on social networks, press releases and info sessions. These activities are carried out in collaboration with Strategic Management Systems (SMS) and aim to increase community engagement on issues relevant to them. “Supporting Electoral Reforms” is a project of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), implemented by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES). The list of all innovative initiatives within this project for 2022 and 2023 can be found here.
“Bike-up”: Very educative project!

By Angela Zhelkova We had a great time at this youth exchange. It was an exchange where, over the course of a week, more than 20 participants from 4 countries gathered to learn more about bicycles and the environmental impact they have. The event took place in Bitola from October 3 to 9, 2022. The purpose of the event with all the workshops and discussions was clear – every action has its own reaction. We learned that bikes can significantly contribute to reducing pollution, that we should take care of the environment because we are a part of it, and that bikes also improve human health. We also learned that we don’t have to go everywhere with cars. These were some of the main points that we all became more aware of. There was a lot of discussion, fun and creative activities related to the topic of bikes, art and ecology. For illustration, we drew murals, repaired bikes, the countries had the opportunity to introduce themselves, we walked to some local cultural landmarks such as Heraclea, etc. The perfect event to meet new friends, challenge yourself and have fun for a week. All in all, we definitely had a great time. This exchange helped me reflect on my actions and think about the role of the bikes. I think I will continue to care about everything related to bikes in the future in my life.
Youth Exchange “Bike-up”: Our new perspectives

By Stanislav Krastev I really liked the project! The experience I had and the things I learned here in Bitola are more about Erasmus program and youth exchanges. I really learned a lot. But, this is also about the topic, biking. I learned how different parts of the bike are called in different languages, I learned how to paint murals and also to fix bikes. Last time when I cycled before this project was about 2 years. And now I am thinking about buying new bike and using it for urban transportation. I’ll surely recommend the Erasmus program to my friends and classmates! By Malena Velinova The experience I had with this project was also amazing. I met some amazing and full of life people and learned a lot from them about bikes and the youth exchanges in general. I also learned a lot about this from the organizers of this exchange. Before coming here, I didn’t know much about bikes and their importance, but now it is different. I know much more, the types f bikes, what they are used for, how they are helpful to the environment and a lot of other stuff. I am ready now to “bike up” my life and to take more responsible role toward my city where I live!
Youth Exchange “Bike-up”: Bitola vs. Denmark

By Anna-Katharina Lüers My name is Anna-Katharina Lüers and I am coming from the Danish Youth Team, from Denmark. This event called “Bike up” was held in Bitola, North Macedonia and was about urban transport in Europe, or at least it is what was I interested about. During the activities in this youth exchange I have become aware that in Denmark we have a lot more bikes and therefore also, a lot of parking spots for them. This is in regard the parking spaces not available here in Bitola. Here, there is a few spots, but not enough, and therefore you need to park the bike on the side of the street. Another thing is that there is also only one “real” bike line in the town of Bitola and if you are not using that, you need to share the area with the pedestrians or cars on the road, which makes it more difficult and slower to get to your goal. There is very high curbstones in Bitola, which makes it hard to switch roads, because you need to get off your bike a lot. With the infrastructure in Denmark, you can easily attend where you need to go and bike rides are more prioritized than people with cars. I had great time during this exchange, I learned a lot new things for other countries as well making new friends. From the difficulties other countries had, I learned a lot of things related with bikes. My general impression is that we need to appreciate the infrastructure that helps to bike more easily and to always help and support initiatives that are raising awareness about this things in the communities were biking is not well developed. By Petar Kazakov The project was interesting and helpful. I am already in contact with many people who wants to ride bikes, but in the urban infrastructure they can’t, since the infrastructure of the city itself doesn’t allow it. This was the biggest awareness for me, and the other thing is that I became more aware is the fact that we need to know how to repair bikes at elementary level. This is lacking, but is vey helpful. Overall, the project was good and I am satisfied how all turned up.