Peer School Against Peer Violence: Testimonies from Participants

Latest News Peer School Against Peer Violence: Testimonies from Participants Mihaela During the training on peer violence, I had the opportunity to give a presentation in front of 40 students and two psychologists at my school. It was a huge experience for me, but at the same time a big challenge. What scared me the most was whether I would be able to keep everyone’s attention, especially when I knew that not only first and second-year students would be listening to me, but professionals as well. The nervousness and fear of making mistakes were constantly present, because it was important to me that my message was clear and well understood. When the presentation was over, I felt relieved, happy and relaxed. Although I was afraid, I managed to overcome my fear and convey the topic with dedication. It was wonderful to see how my words affected the students, and to hear positive feedback from all of them. It gave me additional motivation and confidence. I would definitely present again. Every new experience of this type helps me improve and feel more confident in myself, both now and in the future. I see it as a chance to grow and pass on my knowledge to others. When it comes to working with elementary school students, I would gladly accept. I believe that working with younger students is extremely important, because they are in a period when they learn the most and form themselves as individuals. I would like to help them learn how to deal with violence and create positive relationships with the people around them. Through this experience, I realized even more that I find myself in psychology that I want to develop in the future. I want to continue working with young people, to inspire them and to help them deal with the challenges that life brings. Predrag I am Predrag, I am 15 years old and study at a technical secondary school. I was giving a presentation in front of about twenty youths, and we were learning about fighting peer violence. From the presentation I learned a lot about myself, but also about others. I have learned that people who commit violence also have problems, not just those who receive it. Ognen I am Ognen, a student at the technical school in Bitola and I was a peer educator at the School Against Peer Bullying. Before delivering my presentation, I was afraid that I could get confused very easily and not be understood or interested by the audience, but that immediately changed as soon as I started presenting. Since the presentation ended, I felt nice, relieved and fulfilled that I was able to contribute to raising awareness about the peer violence that occurs in today’s society. I would definitely like to present again, both in front of my peers and in front of elementary school students on this topic, because the topic is of great importance to everyone. Nektaria I am Nektaria, a second-year student at the SABA high school. Before coming to this workshop I was afraid of presenting in front of many people, in front of youth, as well as meeting new ones, but as time went on, with each new workshop we got to know the youth better. When we had to present as peer educators in our schools, things changed and I was very relaxed. During the workshops, I am glad that many students got relaxed and started sharing their experiences, whether they were bullies or victims of violence. I hope that in the future more will join such workshops so that we can positively affect and reduce violence. Teodora I am Teodora, I am studying in medical high school, and I am 16 years old. I think this presentation was very useful and I learned so many new things. I know that this presentation will benefit me in the future, and I know that those who listened to me will learn something more about what peer violence is actually. I had no stage fright at all about the presentation and no one should have stage fright. It’s not scary and if you’re educated about what you’re talking about and then it’s easy to express it to all those who want to listen to you. More about this program you can read here: Peer School Against Peer Violence –
Peer School Against Peer Violence

In September, the selection of peer educators for the “Peer School against Peer Violence” at YMCA began! After informing and consulting with the high schools in Bitola, cooperation began with 6 high schools, which selected interested students. In the following period they underwent a series of workshops, practical implementation and by the end of the semester they became peer educators. In the following period of two months, a new group of students became more familiar with the occurrence of peer violence and its consequences, shared experiences and learned how to address it to professional services and adults and, of course, to understand it better. Topics that we specifically focused on were:1. Communication styles (followed by exercises from which we saw how our behavior and communication play a role in the messages we send to our environment)2. The concept of power and influence3. Types of violence (physical, psychological, social and cyber-violence) and4. The concept of non-violent communication, as an approach that everyone can be prepared for and learn to apply in their everyday lives. The next 2 workshops took place in a different atmosphere, where the participants first thought about peer violence through guided meditation, regardless of whether it happened to them or they witnessed it, and then through art all of this was expressed individually. Through colors and creativity, by drawing and creating works of art, they shared what it means to feel supported by peers and how we can all play a role in ending bullying. Each picture is its own story of resilience, empathy and hope. The peer school was led by a psychologist and a youth worker from the YMCA. After completing the 4 modules and 2 art workshops, which dealt with peer violence and topics related to it in our local environment, the trained students – peer educators conducted a presentation in front of their students and their class by the end of December this year. These peer educations were very well received by schools, professional services, but above all by the students themselves to whom the educations were dedicated. At the end of the school year, we had a ceremonial awarding of certificates to the peer educators, who successfully completed the education against peer violence and held workshops and educations in their schools. The goal of these workshops was to raise awareness about this phenomenon in order to reduce it. We continue with activities in the second semester with students from primary schools in Bitola. The project “Peer School against Peer Violence” of the Youth Association YMCA Bitola is a continuation of the peer school initiative within the Youth Center in Bitola, on topics related to mental health, which are relevant for young people, as well as for the Municipality itself. The project is supported by CVJM #SignsOfHope and the Municipality of Bitola and is implemented in cooperation with 6 high schools in the city.
Promotion of a Safe School Environment

In December as part of the project “Promotion of a Safe School Environment”, the YMCA held a series of three workshops in the primary school in the Municipality of Mogila. The project “Promotion of a Safe School Environment” is an extensive project of the Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA in partnership with the Macedonian Center for Civic Education, the First Children’s Embassy in the World Megjashi and Smart Up – Social Innovation Lab as well as with support from the Pestalozzi Children’s Foundation. It is being implemented in the period from September 2023 to August 2026. Project activities The goal of these workshops was to build the capacity of the children’s organization, so it can implement school initiatives that can contribute to building a safer school environment. The workshops were attended by the upper-class student representatives, including all class presidents, their deputies, and the school’s children’s ombudsman, aged 12 to 15. We started first to improve students’ communication skills, to familiarize them with the concept of research and to offer them an opportunity to exercise aimed at a deeper understanding of everything that research encompasses. As a follow-up activity, they had to conduct research in their school including surveys, questionnaires, or interviews. In the last workshop they reviewed the results and assessed them in a direction to understand and to come up with relevant school initiatives. For this purpose, for the first time they have been introduced to the elements of a project initiative (what a project means, what are the phases of the project cycle, etc.). The students gained basic knowledge of these topics that will be useful for them in the next phase of this project in spring 2025. The student’s initiative The initiative of opening a safe corner for students will be implemented in the second school semester. This corner is planned to be in the school hallway itself, which will consist of 5-6 lazy bags and several tables where students will have a chance to talk to a psychologist about the problems in their everyday lives. On the wall itself, they will have the opportunity to draw motivational messages, a box left for praise and complaints, they will be able to anonymously report their remarks about the school, school staff, their problems, etc. It is intended that this initiative will raise the level of safety among the students, the professional service and school staff and this initiative will contribute towards a better school environment for this generation of students.
Voices of Change: Testimonials from the Participants of the Peer School for Mental Health

Nata Marija Seshic – Elementary School, Gjorgi SugarevI am Nata Marija, and I was part of the Peer School for Mental Health of Children and Youth. Through communication and socializing, I learned how to deal with anxiety and panic attacks, as well as how to stay calm when giving a speech in front of an audience. In addition to learning new skills, I met and made new acquaintances and friendships. That’s why I highly recommend being part of the activities at YMCA Bitola. Andrea Grozdanovska – High School Student, Taki DaskaloWhen I heard about this training, the first thing I did was sign up without hesitation, and I couldn’t wait to start the meetings. This training was something new and a step ahead of just talking about how important mental health is. It was the first training that worked with young people to help them understand its importance, pass it on to their peers, and gradually break down stereotypes. It encouraged personal growth and development, working on self-confidence, building healthy relationships, etc. For me, this school was very interesting because at every meeting there was a different atmosphere—positive, fun, but at the same time calm. We often gathered in a circle and shared various experiences, where we felt heard and accepted as we were. During the few months that the school lasted, I slowly changed some of my thoughts and attitudes, realizing more about myself and how to keep my mental health in good shape. I gained good socialization, made many new acquaintances, and got rid of the fear of public speaking. Furkan Metliku – Elementary School, Goce DelchevI had a very good time at this school. I learned something at each training session and realized what I needed to change about myself. From all the trainings held, I shared what I learned with my close friends. Emilia Ilievska – High School Student, Jane SandanskiI had a great time during the mental health training. I learned many things, especially how to express my negative feelings such as irritability and outbursts. Also, through these trainings, I gained more confidence in speaking to others, especially when presenting in front of a crowd. I believe this training has helped me a lot in my daily life, and I recommend everyone attend at least one such training because it will help them a lot. Sara Petrovska – Student, Music AcademyThanks to the Mental Health Peer School, I became a peer educator. I managed to give a lecture on resilience to about ninety pupils and students. Our preparation for this lasted 12 teaching hours, during which we worked on several topics that contained both theoretical and practical parts. We studied and worked with the help of psychologists, for which I am very grateful. Today, I know much more, I have improved myself, and the knowledge will serve me in everyday life. I believe we should have more workshops of this type and speak out in order to help, educate, and grow healthily—as we have now. Jovana Talevska – High School Student, Dr. Jovan KalauziThis was the perfect opportunity to first learn to identify my own emotions, then learn techniques and methods that will help me make the most of them, and finally be able to apply all of that to help and support my peers. Sara Gjorgjievska – Elementary School, Goce DelchevI am so happy that I had the chance to be part of this project and become a mental health peer educator myself. The friendships, experiences, and knowledge I gained will stay with me forever, and I am very grateful for that. I hope that in the future, I will again have the chance to further develop in the field of mental health and peer education. Viktorija Jovanovska- International Slavic University, Faculty of Psychology The Peer Educator School, organized by AMOS, YMCA, and Poraka Nova, took place at the Youth Center in Bitola. Initially, I heard about the school from acquaintances, but I wasn’t exactly sure what it was about. A few days later, my dear professor, Sašo Kočankovski, sent me more information about the event, and then I knew it was something that would be really useful to me and definitely worth participating in. The things we are learning in the school are applicable and well-explained, so anyone from any field can understand them, use them for their own benefit, and then share them with their close ones and peers in a simple and understandable way. I would recommend to all young people to participate in such events more often in order to exchange opinions, meet new people, and discover different perspectives. This would contribute to their personal growth and development, and then to the development of the community. Read more about the event: Peer School Against Peer Violence –
Mental Health workshops for Peer Educators [module 1,2,3]

Throughout November and December last year, we implemented a series of workshops on mental health topics for peer educators from primary and secondary schools and faculties from Bitola. The first mental health workshop module was on the topic of anxiety and depression. According to experts in the field of psychological sciences, anxiety is a condition associated with the feeling of fear, and depression is a condition associated with the feeling of sadness. Recognizing them and developing personal strategies to deal with these conditions is what is necessary to maintain harmonious mental health. 58 peer educators divided into 5 groups of primary school and high school pupils and university students who were introduced to the topics of anxiety and depression completed this module. These topics were discussed including what they mean to young people’s conditions, what factors cause them, what the symptoms are, and how to help others and ourselves. The second module of mental health training was on the topic of risky forms of behavior. It was discussed what risk and risky behavior mean, how that behavior is related to the mental well-being of a person, what factors cause it, why it is a particularly significant phenomenon among young people and how young people can recognize the beginnings of risky behavior in themselves so they can help themselves and to recognize it in others. This module was completed by 48 peer educators divided into 5 groups of primary and high school pupils and university students who were acquainted with the topic of risky forms of behavior. During the training, it was discussed what these types of behaviors mean and how they manifest, how much they are present and in what forms in our everyday life in the schools of the city, how these conditions affect young people, what factors cause them and how we can help the others and to act preventively. The third module of mental health workshops was on the topic of building resistance, endurance and resilience. It was discussed what resilience means, how it is learned and how this ability is the most important factor in maintaining psycho-physical balance. This ability is the one that gathers our energies and directs them towards what makes the most sense at the given moment to overcome the situation we find ourselves in, survive and transform the experience we find ourselves in. This is what young people can learn to help themselves and help others. 42 peer educators divided into 5 groups of primary and high school pupils and university students who learned about the topic of building resistance, endurance and resilience completed this module. The peer educators discussed the ways to become resistant to ubiquitous negative influences in the external environment and surroundings, how to endure or cope with situations in which we are involved with or without our will and understanding ways to build lasting resilience and peace with self and others. The project „Peer school for children and youth mental health“ of the Youth Association YMCA Bitola has been implemented in the frames of the regional program for local democracy in Western Balkans2 Reload2, financed by the European Union (EU), implemented by United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The project is co-financed by the Municipality of Bitola. The project has been implemented by the YMCA in cooperation with Poraka Nova and Amos.
Mental Health. Deep dive on a grassroots level among young people and adults

Through peer-to-peer education in working with the youth and initiating support groups in working with adults, this project aims to install proven methods of work when facing challenging issues and/or topics. Peer-to-peer education plays a pivotal role in empowering youth and fostering community development, a mission that aligns seamlessly with our dedication at the YMCA and youth work. The dynamic exchange of ideas among youth not only cultivates a sense of ownership and responsibility among the young people but also encourages them actively to engage with their peers. In a formal context, this method of education can be a powerful tool for building leadership skills and instilling a sense of civic duty. When youth learn from their peers, they can connect on a deeper level, as they often share similar life experiences, challenges, and aspirations. What to expect: In the week ahead we are starting with an open call for peer educators. The workshops will be based on the principles of non-formal education and will take place in the Youth Center in Bitola in the period during the first school semester. The peer educators will learn more and discuss with their peers mental health covering topics such as: anxiety and depression, risky behavior, which means – violent behavior/peer violence, self-harm and substance abuse, building resilience and self-confidence among children and young people and the digital representation of the same topics related to the behavior of young people on social networks. The project has a follow-up phase in the second school semester where these peer educators will implement peer education workshops in their schools and faculties and share the gained knowledge with the end users/their peers in a non-formal setting. The second aspect is initiating the model of support groups in our city to create a more inclusive and supportive community in Bitola as an approach that has provided many benefits in countries across the world. Support groups play a crucial role in offering a lifeline to individuals facing various challenges. For individuals facing disabilities or some life difficulties, support groups foster a sense of belonging and reduce feelings of isolation and provide a vital source of emotional and practical assistance. They offer a safe and understanding environment where members can openly discuss their challenges, share experiences, and exchange coping strategies. These gatherings provide a safe space for individuals to share their struggles, aspirations, and personal stories to empower participants to face challenges head-on and build a strong support network that lasts a lifetime. Moreover, support groups for people with disabilities serve as a platform for advocacy and awareness. These gatherings amplify the voices of those who often face societal barriers and discrimination. What to expect: In the coming period two support groups will be established, one for the challenges facing single-parent families, and another for families of persons with disabilities who have a child or young person in education. In particular, these two vulnerable categories of people are at greater risk of mental health disorders and suffer more pressure from their fellow citizens and peers due to insufficient awareness of the problems they face (reduced social status due to poverty, stigmatization and avoidance, insufficient awareness). Due to that increased social pressure (which regularly finds support in the stereotypes and prejudices of the local community) and discriminatory behavior (not only between peers but also between older people, in the services, etc.), the probability of the problems they are already facing increases. These groups will involve the inclusion of parents (of the affected two categories of children) to share their experiences among themselves, with the peer educators and the professional services in schools. In addition, parents of peer educators and educated assistants will be invited, as well as other parents who will become familiar with our project through the Parents’ Councils in schools and will be invited to attend these groups. To implement this we have partnered with Poraka Nova and Amos who have experience in this impactful approach. These groups will meet and work at the Poraka Nova premises. An additional added value of influence from support groups both in terms of the project and for the city of Bitola will be the connection of the work of these groups with some of the services that are already offered at the level of the Municipality of Bitola for the prevention of social problems – those of single and one-parent families, as well as those related to the families of persons with disabilities. However, our project aims to call on civil society organizations to take a greater part in the future as well, through the Youth Center, which will enable educators of this type to network and cooperate, because this will strengthen their work and add to their recognition in the public. The project „Peer school for children and youth mental health“ of the Youth Association YMCA Bitola has been implemented in the frames of the regional program for local democracy in Western Balkans2 Reload2, financed by the European Union (EU), implemented by United Nations Development Program (UNDP). The project is co-financed by the Municipality of Bitola. The project has been implemented by the YMCA in cooperation with Poraka Nova and Center fo Human Rights Amos. Read here to learn more about this project