Participation in Education Program for Support of Youth Workers in the Field of Career Guidance

By Jovche Krsteski
Guided by the goal of offering better services for youth employment, we are happy that as a member of the Union for Youth Work we had the opportunity to participate in two trainings for counselors for career guidance of young people and to learn about two new methodologies.
One of them was according to the methodology “ProfillPASS – Start your career!” and the other according to the methodology “Sport for employability” (S4E) as part of the program for education and support of youth workers entitled “Youth work for active and involved youth”.
Through these trainings, I along with 17 other youth workers from our country acquired knowledge, skills and competencies for using proven methodologies in their daily work with young people from vulnerable categories. The youth workers were trained to use the “ProfillPASS” tool, which will allow them to direct young people to explore their possibilities for personal and professional development, thereby helping them to improve their position in the labor market. Using #S4E as a tool for encouraging and developing skills, will help youth workers in supporting and encouraging young people from their communities in the direction of awareness of their skills and potential, as well as their further development.
After the training, the involved youth workers will carry out practical activities applying the learned methodologies in their environments. As a trained youth worker from the YMCA, I will apply my knowledge in working with young people in the Youth Center in Bitola, as well as in preparing the programs that the YMCA implements. The Union for Youth Work implements this program within the framework of the regional project “Social Inclusion of Vulnerable Groups in the Western Balkans” and the global program “Sports for Development” implemented by the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ). The training for these methodologies was conducted on 21-24.09.2023 and 30.10-02.11.2023 in Dojran, Macedonia. The training for #ProfilPASS was conducted with the help of trainers from the Center for Lifelong Learning, and that for #S4E with the help of trainers from TACT.